Saturday, December 8, 2007

Answers & Explanations to Virtual Hunt Questions

Finally, it is time to reveal the answers and explanations to the 2 questions I posted about 2 weeks ago. I am happy to note that these questions were well-answered. But I am sad to say that I have only received 1 fully-successful attempt from a fellow Sabahan. The other successful hunters were all from West Malaysia—an indication of the difference in the standards of hunting abilities. I hope that some day we Sabahans will be able to catch up somehow.

Q1) Required by agent to become expecting.

A1) PnR

We are looking for some letters found on the signboard, which are required by the letters A,G,E,N & T, so that together all those letters can be rearranged to become a word which has the same meaning as "expecting".

But to do this, we need an anagram indicator. In this question, the anagram indicator is "become".

Looking at the possible signboards within the sector, the answer is P N R, because:

(P, N, R) + (A, G, E, N, T ) rearranged to become "PREGNANT", which agrees with "EXPECTING".

Q2) Distress call short of a month?


The "distress call" refers to MAYDAY.

"short of" is a deletion indicator; it means we need to delete a month from "MAYDAY". If we delete "MAY" from "MAYDAY", we are left with "DAY". Therefore, the answer is 24 JAM, because DAY = 24 JAM.

I hope you had fun with these questions. I am still working on some new puzzles. Hopefully if it's not raining again tomorrow, I will be able to take some pictures and conjure up some interesting questions to be posted here in this blog. Stay tuned.

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